Monday, April 23, 2018

China Has Adopted A More Aggressive Stance Against Taiwan

Taiwan navy fast attack boats take part in a military drill outside a naval base in Kaohsiung port, southern Taiwan, January 27, 2016. Reuters

Business Insider: China is getting increasingly aggressive with Taiwan — but war would be disastrous for both sides

* Recent Chinese military action shows that Xi Jinping has taken a much more aggressive stance on Taiwan than his immediate predecessors.
* The tension between the two countries stems from the result of the Chinese Civil War in 1949.
* War with Taiwan could be disastrous because the Taiwanese military is powerful and a conflict risks the involvement of the US.

Tensions between the Peoples Republic of China and Taiwan have recently flared up as China held the largest show of naval force in its history this month and made new threats directed towards Taipei.

"We would like to reaffirm that we have strong determination, confidence and capability to destroy any type of 'Taiwan independence' scheme in order to safeguard the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity," Ma Xiaoguang, a spokeswoman for the State Council's Taiwan Affairs Office, recently said.

Read more ....

WNU editor: What concerns me is China's rush to build armaments and to deploy it ASAP .... China’s new aircraft carrier may start sea trials this week, source says (SCMP). I am not worried about war in the next year or two .... I am more worried abut war 5 or 10 years from now.


someone said...

Actually i don't think it might take 5-10 years.Tensions between great powers tend to increase signficantly once there is a proper timeline of how long until one reaches a certain parity with the other.If the PLA Navy will become a trully global force sometimes around 2028 tensions will increase significantly long before that.The US is unlikely to wait that long because the risk of failure in war increases the closer they get to that point.So tensions will probably increase significantly sometime before 2024.The US is unlikely to wait for the chinese to have an armed force that is trully capable in order to fight.

D.Plowman said...

Yeah I don't China will play the long-game with Taiwan.

jac said...

For pushing China for making a mistake it's easy: Built an embassy in Taiwan with some American troops and big weapons. Either China loose face or go to war.
Taking over Taiwan is much more difficult than we think and casualties on American troops could be an act of war vs USA.

Crusader said...

Invade Taiwan and China will isolate itself and its economy will suffer.
When the economy suffers then so does the Party.
Only then will China be well exposed as the bully it is.
Then the world will unite against it.
That's when things get interesting.