Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Fall Of A Media Darling Who Achieved Recognition When She Was Unmasked As A Former CIA Employee

Alan Dershowitz, FOX News: Alan Dershowitz: Valerie Plame knew exactly what she was tweeting

Valerie Plame had to know what she was doing. The unmasked former CIA officer retweeted a virulently anti-Semitic article by a well-known bigot on the Jewish High Holy Day of Rosh Hashanah, which she characterized as “thoughtful.” Now she's trying to make excuses, but they don't wash.

The retweeted article by Phillip Giraldi itself contains the usual anti-Semitic tropes: Jews are guilty of dual loyalty; they control politicians, the media and entertainment; they want the U.S. to fight wars for the country to which they have real allegiance – Israel; they are dangerous to America. Giraldi has been pushing this garbage for years and Plame is one of his fans.

Read more ....

Update: Valerie Plame resigns from Ploughshares Fund after tweeting anti-Semitic article (The Hill)

WNU Editor: This story is making a lot of people in the main stream media uncomfortable. My prediction .... like Cindy Sheehan who received a lot of media exposure when she protested against President Bush' war policies (but was ignored when she continued those protests against President Obama) .... Valerie Plame will soon be receiving the same treatment (if not already).


Anonymous said...

Here we go again. Powerful Jews in the American media libelling anyone who dares to criticise either Israel or, well, pretty much anyone who's Jewish. You can't even criticize a crook like Bernie Madoff without some frothing-at-the-mouth troll screaming that you're an anti-semite.

I read this woman's comments. They are nothing, nothing, compared to the offensive reader's comments I read in the Israeli press every week. Those are a treasure mine of religious and racial bigotry. OK not in Haaretz, but in an astonishing number of other Israeli newspapers and websites.

You can criticize Muslims, Christians, whites, Democrats, straight people, gay people, blacks, men, Republicans, dog lovers, cat lovers, and pretty much anyone in the USA today. That's fine. But just you try to criticize Jewish Americans.

Watch powerful Jewish media figures go to town in the next 48 hours as they call this woman every vicious name under the sun, make out that she's subhuman filth, and utterly ignore their own glaring hypocrisy.

opit said...

That's reasonably balanced, Fred. US Jews are far from a cheering section for the overwhelming narrative supporting Israel and suppression of things like the Israeli attack on the elint ship Liberty. That suggests information control of a ridiculous degree. AIPAC likely funds much of that. Nor is Plame/Wilson ( who interestingly, was in charge of the nuclear threat desk for the middle east when GWB was deriding Iraq over WMD ) the only area operative to be highly uncomplimentary about national security priorities, though ex FBI translator Sibel Edmonds over at Boiling Frogs Post is at least equally likely to deride security of information as relates to Turkey. But reading Israeli news is like listening to a cheering section for hate of Palestinians - a feared victim with no army, navy or air force. Darn, how they absorb all that punishment ( water deprivation too ) while their land is taken and their country walled in pieces.